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Barranquilla, Colombia 
9 – 11 April 2025






For Delegates at Conferences

Terms & Conditions for Delegates at Conferences


All bookings made prior to the Naturgas Congress (hereinafter referred to as the "Congress") must be paid in full to guarantee registration. Once payment has been received, an email confirmation and a receipted invoice will be sent. If payment is not made at the time of booking, registration will be provisional. Bookings received less than two weeks before the conference date can only be paid by credit card.


Substitutions & Cancellations

Delegates may designate an alternative person from their organization to attend, up to 24 hours before the start of the Congress, at no additional cost. If substitution is not possible, cancellation charges will apply as follows:

  • 25% of fees will be retained if the cancellation is made in writing 5 weeks prior to the event
  • 100% of fees will be retained if the cancellation is made less than 5 weeks prior to the event
  • All substitutions and cancellations must be received in writing at the email address .
Access Requirements

Delegates should advise of any special access requirements at the time of registration.

Registration information will be sent to registered delegates by email at least seven days prior to the event. Any delegate not receiving the registration information should contact us by email to .

Alterations to the Programme - Cancellation or Postponement of the Congress

NATURGAS, I DO, and GEP reserve the right to make modifications to the Congress program, location, and schedule. In the unlikely event of a cancellation of the Congress program, a full refund will be issued. The liability will be limited to the amount of the fee paid by the participant. If, for any reason, it becomes necessary to postpone the Congress or change the dates, the organizers will not be liable for any expenses, damages, or losses incurred by the participant. If the event can be held through rescheduling or postponement, the reservation between the participant and the organizers will remain valid and subject to the cancellation schedule mentioned.


The opinions expressed by the speakers during the Congress are their sole responsibility. NATURGAS, I DO, and GEP do not assume any responsibility for the advice, opinions, or comments made during the conference or in the materials provided to attendees

Photography & Filming

For promotional purposes, a professional photographer and videographer may be present during the congress. Delegates who do not wish to be filmed or recorded are requested to notify the organisers via email at prior to the congress.

Data Protection

By submitting the registration details, participants agree to allow Naturgas, I DO, and GEP to contact them regarding their services. Participants who do not wish to receive such communications should send an email to . The contact details of registered participants will be included in the attendee list, which will be shared with sponsoring companies and all attendees to facilitate networking and meetings. Participants who do not wish to be included in this list should notify at the time of registration.

Websites & Links

The NATURGAS, I DO, and GEP congress and websites may include links to other websites (hereinafter referred to as the "Other Websites") and networking tools provided for the convenience of users. The content of the Other Websites is managed by their respective owners, and NATURGAS, I DO, and GEP assume no responsibility for it. Similarly, no responsibility is assumed for the content of any website linking to the Other Websites.


It is the participant's responsibility to arrange appropriate insurance in connection with their attendance at the Congress. NATURGAS, I DO, and GEP are not responsible for any loss, liability, or damage to personal property.

Speakers Terms & Conditions

NATURGAS, I DO, and GEP may use the speaker's name and presentation materials to promote participant attendance at the conference. The referenced organizations may record the speaker's session in audio and/or video, and the recording may be reproduced and sold as part of the general Congress materials or other related events. This allows participants to purchase audio/video copies of presentations they were unable to attend. NATURGAS, I DO, and GEP may reproduce copies of the speaker’s presentation (e.g., PowerPoint slides or supporting materials) in printed and/or electronic format, which may be sold as part of the general distribution materials during and after the Congress. Speakers who do not wish to grant permission for the aforementioned terms and conditions must send an email to

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Colombian law. Any dispute arising under this agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Colombia.

Any dispute between the Parties related to this Agreement will be subject to the following dispute resolution mechanism: 1. Any dispute between the Parties related to this Agreement will be resolved through consultations between the Parties in order to reach a direct settlement; 2. If no agreement is reached within fifteen (15) calendar days from the first communication regarding the dispute, the matter will be definitively resolved by an arbitration tribunal appointed by mutual agreement of the Parties. If no agreement is reached within ten (10) business days following one Party's request to the other Party regarding the constitution of the tribunal, it will be appointed by the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce through a lottery among arbitrators registered with the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce. The tribunal will be governed by Law 1563 of 2012 and all other applicable laws and regulations, and will adhere to the following rules: a) The tribunal will consist of three (3) arbitrators in cases involving higher amounts and one (1) arbitrator in other cases, all of whom will be Colombian citizens and practicing lawyers; b) The internal organization of the tribunal will follow the rules set forth by the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce; c) The tribunal will decide in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Colombia; d) The tribunal will operate in Bogotá at the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce; and e) The institutional fees of the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce will apply.

If you have any questions about these Terms & Conditions, please contact us:


Daniela Manrique
Legal Coordinator
Colombian Gas Association - Naturgas
+57 312 591 6408

For Exhibitors

Terms & Conditions for Exhibitors

Exhibitor/Sponsor (a term that includes the Applicant and any co-participant of the booth) shall be subject to the terms, rules, and regulations set forth in this contract. Any amendments must be made in writing and signed by an authorized officer of the Colombian Natural Gas Association – Naturgas, who shall have full authority to interpret and modify these rules, provided that such modifications or additions do not diminish the rights reserved to the Exhibitor/Sponsor under this contract. Similarly, such modifications or additions shall not increase the obligations of their sponsors, agents, or employees.

If the Exhibitor/Sponsor wishes to cancel their participation, they must notify it in writing to, who will confirm receipt within a maximum of seven (7) days. The cancellation will result in the obligation to pay 30% of the total price of the selected booth if it is made more than three (3) months prior to the event, or 60% of the total price of the selected booth if it is made within the three (3) months preceding the event.

No Exhibitor/Sponsor shall be permitted to exhibit unless he has paid, prior to the event, all fees stipulated in this contract.

Exhibitor/Sponsor is obligated to comply with all building regulations and all applicable Government rules and regulations. This contract is governed by Colombian law pertaining to the subject matter of this Contract, and by signing it, the Exhibitor/Sponsor agrees to submit to the applicability of Colombian law.


The rights of the Exhibitor/Sponsor acquired under this contract may not be transferred to any other firm or person. Likewise, it is understood that the Exhibitor/Sponsor may not assign or sublet the contracted space, either in whole or in part.


Exhibitor/Sponsor does not have the right to occupy a specific space without having received formal instruction to do so. They may not occupy the space in advance or without the official allocation; however, their needs and requests will be considered when assigning the available space.

Exhibitor/Sponsor shall not obstruct the view of adjoining exhibits nor operate their space in any manner objectionable to other exhibitors/sponsors. All lighting within the exhibit must be arranged and operated so as not to be distracting to adjacent exhibits. Phonographs, radios, or other sound devices operated in a manner objectionable to the Exhibit Committee shall be prohibited.

The event organizers reserve the right to adjust the size or location of any exhibition stand for the benefit of the entire event.

Exhibitor/Sponsor shall not permit raffles, donations, or other promotional measures that require members or guests to be present at a specified location and time. All unusual promotional plans must be approved by the Exhibit Committee.

Attendance hours shall be controlled solely by the event organizers, who will specify the hours, among other details. Admission will be by identification badge, which shall not be transferable.

No Exhibitor/Sponsor will be allowed to remove their exhibit from the exhibition floor before the official termination of the Exhibition, the event, or without authorization from the event organizers. Additionally, Exhibitor/Sponsor shall have an authorized representative present at the Exhibition throughout all exhibit periods, as well as during the installation and dismantling of his exhibit.

The Congress organizer, its directors, agents, staff, employees, and representatives, as well as the Colombian Natural Gas Association – Naturgas, I DO, and GEP (hereinafter, the “Companies”), their employees, or agents, are not responsible for losses, theft, fire damage, or injuries of any kind to persons or property. Qualified security personnel will be available day and night; however, while necessary precautions will be taken to prevent losses, protection cannot be guaranteed, and the Companies, their directors, agents, staff, employees, and representatives are expressly exempt from any liability for injuries or damages arising therefrom. Exhibitors/Sponsors are encouraged to adequately insure their exhibits, equipment for which they are responsible, and personal belongings.

The Exhibitor/Sponsor may share the booth with another company by notifying with the name of each party sharing the booth. The Exhibitor/Sponsor will be considered an agent in relation to each booth holder, who will be required to comply with the applicable Rules and Regulations. If a booth holder fails to comply with these Regulations or their obligations toward the Companies, the Exhibitor/Sponsor, as the principal contractor, will be responsible for all losses, liabilities, and costs that the Companies may incur as a result of such non-compliance or failure to fulfill obligations.

The Companies, their directors, agents, staff, employees, and representatives shall not be held liable for any errors or omissions in texts or materials prepared and submitted by the Exhibitor/Sponsor. The signature of this document by the Exhibitor/Sponsor and its receipt by any of the Companies shall serve as conclusive evidence of the Exhibitor/Sponsor’s acceptance to pay the full fees stipulated herein from that moment onward. Furthermore, the Exhibitor/Sponsor acknowledges that the Companies have incurred expenses related to the request established in this contract and, consequently, shall not be entitled to any reimbursement of amounts already paid.

The Companies, their directors, agents, staff, employees, and representatives shall be exempt from liability and held harmless for any loss, damage, or delay arising from acts of war, civil unrest, strikes, lockouts, government interventions, military activities, or any other circumstances that render the event and its exhibitions impossible or inadvisable to hold on the scheduled dates and at the planned venue. The Companies reserve the right to reschedule the event and its exhibitions to an alternative date and/or venue. Likewise, the Companies shall not be liable for or assume responsibility for conflicts or misunderstandings with the host country, its sponsors, agents, or other entities concerning any aspect of the exhibition that may affect the Exhibitor/Sponsor. The Exhibitor/Sponsor acknowledges that the Companies, as the Congress organizers, may also suffer damages or losses as a result of the aforementioned circumstances. By signing this contract, the Exhibitor/Sponsor expressly waives any claims for damages or compensation. All amounts paid to the Companies as fees or for other services related to the exhibition shall remain the exclusive property of the Companies.

The Companies are not responsible for assisting the Exhibitor/Sponsor in obtaining the passport and visa required to enter the country where the exhibition will be held; however, they may provide guidance for this purpose. The Exhibitor/Sponsor’s failure to obtain these documents from the competent governmental authorities will not constitute grounds for the cancellation of this contract, and it is clearly understood that no refunds will be made. However, the Exhibitor/Sponsor may delegate another person to represent their brand, provided that this person meets the entry requirements and government formalities necessary to enter Colombia. Such assignment will be the exclusive responsibility of the Exhibitor/Sponsor.

The Companies, their directors, agents, staff, employees, and representatives shall not be held responsible for any losses, damages, or delays incurred in the shipment of goods (transport, handling, and customs) to and from Colombia. The Exhibitor/Sponsor is encouraged to adequately insure all shipments. The Companies, their directors, agents, staff, employees, and representatives shall not assume any responsibility for losses resulting from the cancellation, interruption, postponement, or total or partial reduction of the exhibition due to causes beyond their control. The Exhibitor/Sponsor is advised to obtain appropriate insurance to cover expenses related to their participation in the event in the event of such circumstances.

The Exhibitor/Sponsor expressly acknowledges that no statements, whether oral or written, express or implied, regarding the amount of business that may arise from the exhibition, its success, or any type of guarantee or assertion by the Companies and their subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, or other associated entities have been made. The Exhibitor/Sponsor also agrees that this document constitutes the entire and binding agreement between the parties, including the applicable rules and regulations, and confirms that no changes or modifications have been made verbally. No person is authorized to make oral modifications to this agreement. Furthermore, the Companies declare that they do not store any credit card data of any individual or company.

The signer of this contract declares, under oath, that they have full authority, power, and legal capacity to enter into this contract and be bound by its terms. Furthermore, the signer affirms that they are not subject to any contractual or legal limitation or restriction that could prevent or restrict the signing and execution of this contract. If this contract is signed without the proper authority or capacity, the signing person will assume all legal and financial responsibility resulting from the lack of authorization, releasing the Companies, their directors, agents, staff, employees, and representatives from any claims or liabilities related to the lack of capacity to contract.

The Exhibitor/Sponsor, through this contract and in accordance with the provisions of current data protection laws, particularly Law 1581 of 2012 and Decree 1074 of 2015, freely, expressly, and unequivocally authorizes the collection and processing of personal data provided in a truthful and complete manner, which will be used for the various aspects related to this contract. Therefore, the Exhibitor/Sponsor authorizes and agrees to receive notifications through electronic means. Similarly, the Exhibitor/Sponsor acknowledges that this authorization was requested and made clear before submitting their data.

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Colombian law. Any dispute arising under this agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Colombia.

Any dispute between the Parties related to this Agreement will be subject to the following dispute resolution mechanism: 1. Any dispute between the Parties related to this Agreement will be resolved through consultations between the Parties in order to reach a direct settlement; 2. If no agreement is reached within fifteen (15) calendar days from the first communication regarding the dispute, the matter will be definitively resolved by an arbitration tribunal appointed by mutual agreement of the Parties. If no agreement is reached within ten (10) business days following one Party's request to the other Party regarding the constitution of the tribunal, it will be appointed by the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce through a lottery among arbitrators registered with the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce. The tribunal will be governed by Law 1563 of 2012 and all other applicable laws and regulations, and will adhere to the following rules: a) The tribunal will consist of three (3) arbitrators in cases involving higher amounts and one (1) arbitrator in other cases, all of whom will be Colombian citizens and practicing lawyers; b) The internal organization of the tribunal will follow the rules set forth by the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce; c) The tribunal will decide in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Colombia; d) The tribunal will operate in Bogotá at the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce; and e) The institutional fees of the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce will apply.

For Sponsors 

Terms & Conditions for Sponsors

Exhibitor / Sponsors (which term shall include the Applicant and any stand sharer) shall be bound by the conditions, rules and regulations set forth in this agreement and any changes must be made in writing and signed by an authorised official of Naturgas, Global Event partners Limited (GEP) and I DO who shall have full power to interpret and to make or amend these rules, provided that such amendments and additions do not operate to diminish the rights reserved for the Exhibitor / Sponsor under this contract, and shall not operate to increase liabilities of its Sponsors, Agents or Employees.

The payment must be made upon receipt of the invoice. If an exhibitor or sponsor wishes to cancel their participation, they must notify us via email at Receipt of the notification will be confirmed within a maximum period of 7 days. In the event of cancellation, the following penalties will apply:

If the cancellation is made at least 3 months prior to the Congress, 50% of the total amount must be paid.

If the cancellation is made less than 3 months prior to the Congress, 100% of the total amount must be paid.


No Exhibitor / Sponsor shall be permitted to exhibit unless he has paid prior to the exhibition all of the fees agreed to on the reverse side.

Exhibitor / Sponsors are expected to comply with any building regulations and any and all rules and regulations.

Rights of an Exhibitor / Sponsor shall not be assignable to any other firm or person and no Exhibitor / Sponsor may assign his space or sublet the whole or any part of the space contracted for. An Exhibitor / Sponsor has no right to occupy any particular space, although its requirements will be taken into account when it comes to allocating space.

Exhibitor / Sponsor shall not obstruct the view of adjoining exhibit nor be operated in any manner objectionable to other Exhibitor / Sponsors. All lighting within the exhibit must be arranged and operated so as not to be distracting to adjacent exhibits. Phonographs, radios or other sound devices operated in a manner objectionable to the Exhibit committee shall be prohibited.

Exhibitor / Sponsor shall not permit raffles, donations or other promotional measures that require members or guests to be present at a specified location and time; Naturgas must approve all unusual promotional plans.

Attendance hours will be managed exclusively by Naturgas, I DO, and GEP, who will specify the schedules, etc. Entry will be permitted with a ticket or credential, and identification credentials will be non-transferable.

No Exhibitor / Sponsor will be allowed to remove his exhibit from the Exhibition floor, prior to the official termination of the Exhibition, and the Exhibitor / Sponsor shall have an authorised representative present at the Exhibition throughout all exhibit periods and during the installation and dismantling of his exhibit.

Naturgas, I DO, and GEP, along with their employees or agents, are not responsible for any loss, theft, fire damage, or injury of any kind to any person or item. Trusted security personnel will be on duty day and night; however, while precautions are taken to prevent losses, no guarantees are provided. The aforementioned entities are hereby expressly released from any liability for injuries or damages arising therefrom. Exhibitors/Sponsors are strongly encouraged to adequately insure their exhibits, equipment under their responsibility, and personal belongings.

Naturgas, I DO, and GEP, along with their agents or employees, will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the copy prepared and submitted by the Advertiser or Exhibitor/Sponsor. The signing of the Application and its receipt by I DO shall be considered conclusive evidence of the Applicant's agreement to pay all fees due from that point forward. The Applicant may not cancel the application. Furthermore, the Applicant acknowledges that Naturgas, I DO, and GEP, having incurred expenses as a result of the application, are not obligated to refund any of the agreed-upon fees listed on the reverse side. Naturgas, I DO, and GEP are also entitled to claim any unpaid amounts owed by the Applicant.

The Applicant must notify I DO of the name of each stand participant. The Applicant will be deemed to act as an agent on behalf of each stand participant, who will be subject to the applicable Rules and Regulations. Should a stand participant fail to comply with these Rules and Regulations or otherwise breach their obligations to Naturgas, I DO, and GEP, the Applicant, in their capacity as principal, will be held responsible for all losses, liabilities, and costs incurred by Naturgas, I DO, and GEP as a result of such non-compliance or breach.

Naturgas, I DO, and GEP will not be liable for any losses, damages, or delays resulting from acts of war, civil unrest, strikes or lockouts, intervention or regulation, military activity, or any other circumstances that make it impossible or inadvisable for Naturgas, I DO, and GEP to hold the Exhibition/Conference at the scheduled time and location. Naturgas, I DO, and GEP reserve the right to reschedule the exhibition to another date and/or alternative venue. Furthermore, Naturgas, I DO, and GEP will not be liable and shall be exempt from responsibility in the event of any conflict or misunderstanding with the host country, its sponsors, agents, or other entities regarding any and all aspects of the Exhibition that may affect the Exhibitor/Sponsor. The Exhibitor/Sponsor acknowledges that Naturgas, I DO, and GEP have also suffered damages and losses as a result of the aforementioned circumstances and hereby waives any claims for damages or compensation. Fees or other payments made in connection with the Exhibition shall remain the property of Naturgas, I DO, and GEP.

Naturgas, I DO, and GEP are not responsible for assisting the Exhibitor/Sponsor in obtaining a passport and visa to enter the country where the exhibition will take place. The failure of the Exhibitor/Sponsor to obtain these documents from the relevant authorities will not constitute grounds for cancellation of this contract/application, and it is clearly understood that no refunds of any kind will be issued. However, the Exhibitor/Sponsor may substitute another party or company that meets the necessary requirements and formalities to enter the country where the exhibition will be held. Such substitution will be the sole responsibility of the contracting Exhibitor/Sponsor.

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Colombian law. Any dispute arising under this agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Colombia.

Any dispute between the Parties related to this Agreement will be subject to the following dispute resolution mechanism: 1. Any dispute between the Parties related to this Agreement will be resolved through consultations between the Parties in order to reach a direct settlement; 2. If no agreement is reached within fifteen (15) calendar days from the first communication regarding the dispute, the matter will be definitively resolved by an arbitration tribunal appointed by mutual agreement of the Parties. If no agreement is reached within ten (10) business days following one Party's request to the other Party regarding the constitution of the tribunal, it will be appointed by the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce through a lottery among arbitrators registered with the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce. The tribunal will be governed by Law 1563 of 2012 and all other applicable laws and regulations, and will adhere to the following rules: a) The tribunal will consist of three (3) arbitrators in cases involving higher amounts and one (1) arbitrator in other cases, all of whom will be Colombian citizens and practicing lawyers; b) The internal organization of the tribunal will follow the rules set forth by the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce; c) The tribunal will decide in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Colombia; d) The tribunal will operate in Bogotá at the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce; and e) The institutional fees of the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce will apply.